Sunday Worship July 26, 2020

Jul 26, 2020 | Sermons

The Work of God

Call to Worship


Hymn:  “We Gather Together”

Responsive Reading – Psalm 40: 1-11

Pastoral Prayer

Special Music

Hymn: “All People That on Earth Do Dwell”

Scripture Reading – John 6:22-29

Worship Through Preaching – Jim Schirmer


Theme:  It’s better to believe in Christ than to seek satisfaction in the world.

  1. The things of this world don’t satisfy our deepest needs.
    1. Background
    2. Seeking God from selfish motives.
    3. The folly of prioritizing earthly things.
  2. Our greatest need is eternal life through Christ.
    1. What eternal life is.
    2. How it is obtained.
    3. The Son’s role.

Hymn: “Be Thou My Vision”
