Sunday Worship January 30, 2021

Jan 30, 2022 | Sermons

January 30, 2022


Call to Worship


Hymn: “Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners”

Reading – The Nicene Creed

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn: “Christ for the World We Sing”

Scripture Reading – Acts 15:1-21

Worship Through Preaching – Jim Schirmer


Theme – God wants salvation blessings to spread globally.

  1. The issue facing the early church.
    1. Advocates for requiring Jewish laws.
    2. The apostles’ arguments against this.
    3. Implications for us.
  2. Their solution for the issue.
    1. Jewish ceremonial laws not required.
    2. Freedom for the universal spread of the gospel.
    3. Participate in making Christ known.

Hymn: “Lord, I Want To Be a Christian”
