Sunday Worship August 23, 2020

Aug 23, 2020 | Sermons

The Bread of Life

Call to Worship


Hymn:  “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Responsive Reading – Psalm 47

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn: “Amazing Grace”

Scripture Reading – John 6:30-40, 46-50

Worship Through Preaching – Jim Schirmer


Theme – Trust in Jesus the Bread of Life

  1. The purpose of the Bread of Life.
    1. The occasion for this discourse.
    2. Present benefits of the Bread of Life.
    3. Heavenly benefits of the Bread of Life.
  2. The attraction to the Bread of Life.
    1. God’s power in salvation.
    2. Applications

Hymn: “Have Thine Own Way”
